Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Telling my friend who haven't read Coriolanus before

Hey, I just noticed that you haven't read Coriolanus written by William Shakespeare before!
Which is quite sad, but it's okay. Because from now, Coriolanus will be your favorite book of the year!

Caius Martius, who is the main character of the play, is a lower class hating person who thinks the plebeians(citizens) don't deserve any political power, and he is also a hero of the Rome, as he wins the battle with Volscians, and he gets the nickname, which is also written on the title: Coriolanus. In my personal opinion, it's easy to explain Coriolanus' personality as a "Bully in the high school". Why?   He's cool, as he turned the Volsces upside down, he's strong as everybody knows. As Coriolanus is the strongest of the school(Rome), he wills to become a leader of the plebeians. From that, Coriolanus had to lower the position and ask the plebeians for votes. As everybody knew that he could be the strongest leader, everyone voted. But, if something always goes fine, that's not going to be much interesting as you thought, right?

At this point, the tribunes, Sicinius Velutus and Junius Brutus come in. They claim that Coriolanus cannot be the best leader as his personality, that he always has been rude to people and his aggressive dictions. Sicinius and Brutus temped the citizens and make them get the votes back from Coriolanus. Because of that, obviously, Coriolanus gets mad and that became the greater reason to prove that the tribunes were right: Coriolanus is not suitable for the leader. They decide to vanish Coriolanus, which is "forced change of school" for the "bully".

Volumnia, who is Coriolanus' mother, was keep showing tenacious personality from the beginning of the play. Even she said "Away, you fool! it more becomes a man than gilt his trophy: the breats of Hecuba, When she did suckle Hector, look'd not lovelier than Hector's forehead when it spit forth blood at Grecian sword, contemning." to Vergilia, who is Coriolanus' wife when she freaked out that Coriolanus came back all bloody from the war. Now you can see how Volumnia is creepy. However, she totally changes her position when Coriolanus vanished, even though Coriolanus himself wasn't stressed at all. Volumnia was begging Coriolanus to not leave. He leaves anyway, like an obstinate teenager, and he was planning for the revenge. 

Revenge! You can see how this play goes so interesting! It will take way more time to tell the whole story and I also don't want to ruin the masterpiece by shortening it too much, so it's going to be the better idea to read it by yourself, later on, I guess. I'll borrow you my book if you want to! 

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